[Module 2] Guitar Hero IP Tabletop Game | Project
Card Hero - A Guitar Hero IP Tabletop Project Picture on an example of an ongoing session Platform/Genre: Tabletop Players: 4 players only (1 BOSS Member and 3 BAND Members) Can your BAND beat the BOSS of Rock? In this card game, a BOSS plays his master SONG against the brave BAND who dared challenge him. Every NOTE card hit by the BAND improves their overall performance, but the BOSS won’t let the BAND beat his SONG so easily, using every trick he can to stop them! Why create this game? The reason of the game’s creation is apply content learned in Module 1 and 2 of the Games Design & Production course, by producing a non-commercial product that reflects the learning outcomes required in the Module Brief. The artefact should demonstrate the capacity of the author to design a fully playable tabletop game by using specific Process of Design methodologies and Game Design fundamental skills, tied to a fixed deadline and brief. What is unique about this...